Image by giovanni gargiulo from Pixabay Regardless of whether you have a private well or use public water, you might want to consider installing a whole house water filter systems for your personal needs. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution because it’s ...
XPV Water Partners Portfolio Company Recognized In Water Industry 2019 Top Project Awards
From increasing underground intelligence to significantly reducing sewer spills, utilities are seeing the benefits of a smart sewer. As cities around the world strive to make transformative use of sensors and communications devices to better manage assets and resources, there ...
5 Reasons Not to Buy a Tankless Water Heater Now
There are several reasons to own a tankless water heater. But as with any other appliance you can have in your home, this gadget can have some drawbacks as well, depending on your unique situation. Without a doubt, these systems ...
What Does the 2018 Budget Mean for Canada’s First Nations Reserves?
Canada is always ranked among the top places to live in the world and for good reason. However, despite being held in such high regard, many of its citizens struggle with living conditions that resemble the developing world. Most notably, ...
Nano-Structures are the Future of Water Repellency
Conical Nano-Structure Water Hitting the Test Surface Even the most robust water repellent surfaces that are found in windshields, boat hulls and power generators have a tendency to give way under extreme conditions. Conditions such as increased pressure and high ...
Air in Shower Can Save 35% of Your Water Consumption
The TOTO Air in Shower technology TOTO – the world’s largest toilet manufacturer from Japan developed a technology which reduces water usage by up to 35%. The technology uses air which is infused into the water coming out a shower ...
Grayl Drinking Cup Filter Dirty Water Like Coffee Press
The Grayl Drinking Cup in different colors Seattle based startup Grayl recently announced a new and innovative filtration cup which can quickly and easily filter out almost any type of bacteria, virus, chemical or metal out of the water as ...
Killer Whale Personal Submarine
Killer Whale Submarine (credit: Hammacher Schlemmer) Killer Whale Submarine (credit: Hammacher Schlemmer) Killer Whale Submarine interior (credit: Hammacher Schlemmer) After personal jets and personal yachts comes the turn of a personal submersible. What used to belong only to the military ...
Salamanders as an Ecological Indicator
The world’s smallest salamander, pictured here next to a dime, is found in Georgia. (photo courtesy UGA) The California Tiger Salamander is on the verge of extinction (photo courtesy National Geographic Society) Ranging from the tiny Patch-Nosed Salamander with adults ...
A New Kind of Comet?
NASA scientists are baffled by a comet called Hartley-2. “We haven’t seen a comet like this before,” says Michael Mumma of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center – “Hartley-2 could be the first of a new breed.” Jets spew out ice ...