
underwater vehicle

Robotic Crab Built to Explore the Underwater World

Robotic Crab Built to Explore the Underwater World

The Crabster CR200 standing up Researchers from the Korean Institute of Ocean Science and Technology (KIOST) developed a 6 legged robot crab that can travel and explore the underwater world even in rough conditions and go where no (robot) has ...

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EGO: The Ship-Sub with a Giant Underwater Window

EGO: The Ship-Sub with a Giant Underwater Window

EGO – outside the water EGO – giant glass window getting into the lower level of the EGO Korean company Raonhaje developed what it is calling the first compact “semi-submarine” – part boat part sub which gives its passengers a ...

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Odyssey IV – Hovering Underwater Robot

Odyssey IV – Hovering Underwater Robot

MIT researchers have designed an underwater robotic craft dubbed Odyssey IV. This new, small, and inexpensive vehicle is capable of hovering in place much like a helicopter. In addition, it can move in a speed of up to two meters ...

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Seagliders Explorers

Seagliders Explorers

Seagliders are the result of a collaborative effort between the University of Washington’s Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) and the university’s School of Oceanography. These autonomous underwater vehicles are used to gather valuable information such as conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) data at a ...

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Thermal Glider

Thermal Glider

The new “Thermal Glider” is an autonomous underwater vehicle powered by ‘green’ energy. This robotic glider propels itself using the temperature differences in the ocean’s waters as an energy source. This product of collaboration between researchers from the Woods Hole ...

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