

In Development – Wallpaper Sensors

In Development – Wallpaper Sensors

From left: Professors James Sturm, Naveen Verma and Sigurd Wagner draw on a wide range of expertise to build complex electronic devices on thin plastic sheets. (Photo by Frank Wojciechowski) Researchers at Princeton University have created ultra-thin radios which can ...

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Molecular Memory to Drive Future Mobile Devices

Molecular Memory to Drive Future Mobile Devices

C60 transistor illustration (Credit: Shachar Richter/TAU) Israeli researchers developed a transistor based on a single carbon-60 molecule. This technology could potentially lead to mobile devices with faster and larger memories and much lower power requirements. Even more importantly the new ...

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Nanoscale Transistors Probe Cells

Nanoscale Transistors Probe Cells

Scientists from Harvard University recently introduced a unique method to probe interior cells. Their design consists of ultra-small wires and transistors, sensitive enough to respond to various biological changes, thus measuring biochemical elements. A new device, small enough to be ...

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Single-Atom Transistor Discovered

Single-Atom Transistor Discovered

An international team of researchers has recently announced the completion of the smallest transistor ever made, built out of a single phosphorus atom in silicon. Their new discovery is crucial for the development of future, compact computers, since the transistor ...

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‘Wet’ Computing Systems to Boost Processing Power

‘Wet’ Computing Systems to Boost Processing Power

Researchers at the University of Southampton have recently announced the development of a new kind of information processing technology. Their development is inspired by chemical processes in living systems, such as our brain, and it should enable the improvement of ...

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Controlling Quantum States

Controlling Quantum States

An international team of researchers has demonstrated that it can manipulate the quantum state of a single electron in a silicon transistor by placing the electron in two places at once. Their breakthrough could point the way towards a practical ...

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Smaller, Speedier Computer Chips

Smaller, Speedier Computer Chips

A group of researchers led by Hongjie Dai, Professor of Chemistry at Stanford University, have developed a new technique for making transistors out of carbon nanoribbons. The new “field-effect transistors” are a critical component of computer chips and are made ...

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Carbon Nanotubes for Chemical Detection

Carbon Nanotubes for Chemical Detection

Researchers at Rice University and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have recently been able to use carbon nanotubes to make the “blackest black” — the darkest material ever created, reflecting only 0.045 percent of all light shown on it. Schematic of a ...

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World’s Smallest Transistor

Dr. Kostya Novoselov and Professor Andre Geim from The School of Physics and Astronomy at The University of Manchester have recently shown that graphene can be carved into tiny electronic circuits with individual transistors not much larger than that of ...

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High Speed Carbon Nanotube Based Chips

High Speed Carbon Nanotube Based Chips

A team of electrical engineers from Stanford University and Toshiba have developed nanotube wires that can withstand data transfer speeds comparable to those of commercially available chips. In a paper published in the “Nano Letters” Journal, the researchers reported they ...

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