Photo by mentatdgt from Pexels Utilizing the wonderful minds and varying perspectives that you have to hand can be crucial to creation, innovation, and problem-solving across all industries. But how can we ensure our collaboration is efficient and effective? Here are 6 technologies ...
Why Many Doctors & Patients Are Scared Of New Health Technologies
Photo by from Pexels You’d think that any new health technologies would be met with raucous cheers from doctors and patients around the world. Indeed, the general reception to the latest and greatest technological developments in this field has been positive. Doctors, ...
Technology In Supply Chain Management: A Brief Guide
Ever since the introduction of computers and the internet, technology has been continuously evolving and infiltrating different business sectors. Gone are the days when the only mandate of supply chain management was to ensure that a product travels from the ...
The Benefits of Using Technology for Senior Care – What You Should Know
As the population grows, so does the number of seniors in need of assistance. The simple act of getting out of bed or walking across the room can be difficult for those recovering from surgery or dealing with dementia. Photo ...
Remarkable Tech Developments Changing The Medical Sector
Image Source The medical sector has been making exceptional strides ever since it first emerged several decades ago. But even so, some of the most impressive developments have only appeared in the past two decades. These tech developments include futuristic ...
Tech Shaping the Real Estate Industry in 2021
Photo by Binyamin Mellish from Pexels Slowly and quickly, the world of real estate is being shaped by technological advances. Even websites and tech that people have accepted for years at this point is gaining more and more mainstream usage, especially with many ...
The Latest Technological Trends in the Restaurant Industry
Image Source Restaurants aim to offer convenient, flawless, and unforgettable experiences to their customers. Thanks to technology, they can streamline their processes for improved customer experience and bottom line. Investing in restaurant technology enables kitchen management, employee scheduling, and customer ...
How Technology Can Increase the Productivity of Your Team
Photo by fauxels from Pexels A workplace is a place where workers spend most of the time and precious moments of their life. At work can be very tiring for employees because if it is monotonous, after a certain. Of time the workers ...
Open Source Technology Has Grown During the Pandemic, Says Proponent Leo Radvinsky
Image by Pexels from Pixabay The popularity of open source software soared during the pandemic – technology visionary and longtime open-source proponent, Leonid Radvinsky, is excited about this. “Open source software plays a vital role in democratizing technology for developers of ...
How 2020 Changed the Way We Use Technology?
Image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay Many innovations are made in technology every year, all for entertainment. But in 2020, instead of scrolling Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, we used technology for many other purposes. Not only that, the entertainment industry and ...