A team of scientists including Nobel laureate Alan Heeger, Professor of physics at the Center for Polymers and Organic Solids at University of California, Santa Barbara, and Kwanghee Lee of Korea have created a new “tandem” organic solar cell with ...
New Generation of Solar Cells
Over the past year, First Solar, a firm based in Phoenix, Arizona, has significantly expanded its activity worldwide and has brought its new solar-power technology to the forefront of the media’s attention. Solar power systems are still considered extremely expensive ...
Open-Source Renewable Energy
An open-source engineering project is currently under development in Canada. The project aims to create a new power plant design that will use a combination of solar and geothermal energy for use in more distant locations without polluting the environment. ...
SolarLab – Solar Powered Electric Boat
The British company SoalrLab is responsible for developing some of the world’s most innovative solar powered boats including the Hamburg SolarShuttle capable of carrying up to 120 passengers in complete salient with zero-emissions. The company recently suggested a new version ...
Solar UAV to set a new World Record
A team of students from the Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa is working on a new solar powered unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) which they hope will soon break a 17 year old world aviation record. Although solar aviation is ...
Heliotube Solar Concentrator
The LA based company Practical Instruments is developing a new solar panel technology which focuses the Sun’s light more effectively into the photovoltaic cell. The Heliotube, the rooftop solar panel developed by the company uses several small motors together with ...
Hinode Telescope Images Solar Corona
In a December 20th, 2006 press conference in Japan, data, images, and videos of the Sun’s atmosphere from the Hinode X-Ray Telescope (XRT) were released. The Sun’s corona (or Solar Corona) reaches temperatures of over one million degrees and scientists ...
Massive Solar Flare on a Nearby Star
The image shows a typical solar flare from our sun, captured in September 2005 in the X-ray waveband by NASA’s TRACE satellite. A solar flare is an explosion on the Sun’s atmosphere that occurs when energy stored in twisted magnetic ...
NASA’s Space Elevator Competition
The Space Elevator concept appeared for the first time in 1895 when Russian scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky considered a tower that would reach all the way into space. In the 20th century, Arthur C. Clarke introduced the concept of a space ...
Astrolab: First Commercial Solar Car
Venturi Astrolab: The first commercially available solar car – Monaco-based Venturi Company’s Astrolab, the first commercial electro-solar hybrid vehicle, will enter the market in early 2008. The company claims a top speed of 120 km/h (74 mph) and a range ...