

5 Tips to Write a Great Sociology Paper

5 Tips to Write a Great Sociology Paper

A sociology paper can be the easiest to write or the most complex. Sometimes you are sure of what you want to write about but you cannot find relevant data, and when you finally do, it turns out that the ...

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U.K. Scientists Developed an “Anti-printer”

U.K. Scientists Developed an “Anti-printer”

On the left an erased latter on the right a close up of the vaporized spot (Credit: Cambridge University) A new method for removing toner from paper was developed by researchers from Cambridge University. The technique which was demonstrated by ...

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E-Note Concept

E-Note Concept

The Chinese/French based company Sequoia Studio recently came out with an innovative concept for office memos, in the form of the E-Note. Although similar to the renowned ”Post-It” notes, the new electronic gadget offers reusability as well as digital interface, ...

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Plastic Logic E-Newspaper

Plastic Logic E-Newspaper

Plastic Logic, a spin-off company from the Cambridge University’s Cavendish Laboratory, has recently released its design of a future electronic newspaper reader. This lightweight plastic screen copies the appearance, but not the feel, of a printed newspaper. This electronic paper ...

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Paper Chips and Disposable Electronics

Paper Chips and Disposable Electronics

Scientists from Universidade Nova de Lisboa in Portugal have developed the world’s first paper based transistor. More accurately, it is a field effect transistor (FET) with a paper “interstrate” layer. This invention rivals that of the oxide based thin film ...

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New ‘Super Paper’ Stronger than Cast Iron

New ‘Super Paper’ Stronger than Cast Iron

Recently a group of researchers in Sweden and Japan reported the development of a new type of paper that resists breakage when pulled apart almost as well as that of cast iron. Composed of sub-microscopic particles of cellulose, this material, ...

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Lab-on-a-Chip Made of Paper

Lab-on-a-Chip Made of Paper

Researchers at Harvard’s Whitesides Research Group may have found a way to make microfluidics technology much cheaper by taking advantage of the natural movement of liquid through paper. Hopefully, their work will lead to the creation of disposable diagnostic tests, ...

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The Future of Electronic Paper

The Future of Electronic Paper

Thirty-five years in the making, electronic paper is now closer than ever to changing the way we read, write, and study — a revolution so profound that some see it as second only to the invention of the printing press ...

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