

Did an Israeli Company Developed a Cure for ALS?

Did an Israeli Company Developed a Cure for ALS?

NurOwn process BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics – an Israeli biomed company currently conducting Phase I/II clinical trials on patients suffering from ALS, reported that at least some of the patients treated with its NurOwn cell therapy shown considerable improvement including walking ...

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Microbe Detection Improvements

Microbe Detection Improvements

Researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, California have developed a new device for detecting viruses and other microscopic organisms to aid in medical diagnostics, bioterrorism threats, and product safety assessments. Capable of identifying any virus or bacteria keyed ...

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A Cell’s ‘Cap’ of Bundled Fibers

A Cell’s ‘Cap’ of Bundled Fibers

Researchers from the Johns Hopkins Engineering in Oncology Center have recently shown that in healthy cells, a bundled ”cap” of thread-like fibers holds the cell’s nucleus in its proper place. The nucleus includes the cell’s genetic storehouse, and understanding the ...

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Disease May Derail Space Travel

Disease May Derail Space Travel

Researchers at Nancy University in Lorraine, France have raised concerns that disease will make it impossible to support long-term space travel such as manned missions to Mars. Space travel both weakens the immune system and promotes more virulent growth of ...

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Key Protein Contains Chronic Infection

Key Protein Contains Chronic Infection

A research team from UCLA, led by Prof. David Brooks has discovered the reason why the immune system can fight off some infections and surrenders to others. This discovery, say the scientists, may help them develop drugs that fight chronic ...

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Mouth Hygiene Saves Lives

Mouth Hygiene Saves Lives

Tel Aviv University nurses in Israel have developed a new clinical approach to benefit patients that are confined to their beds. The nurses discovered that simply using a toothbrush as part of the daily hygiene can protect patients from potentially ...

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Space Disease in Peru?

Space Disease in Peru?

Last Thursday, September 20th, 2007 the occupants of a small isolated village in southern Peru, not far from the Bolivian border, reported hearing a loud explosion. The locals rushed in the direction of the sound and found that a large ...

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