

DARPA Unveils ATLAS – The Super Humanoid Robot

DARPA Unveils ATLAS – The Super Humanoid Robot

The ATLAS robot Last week DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), unveiled ATLAS to the 6 teams that will compete in the next DARPA Robotics Challenge this December. During the challenge the advanced humanoid robot will have to perform ...

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U.S. Military Wants Crysis like Smart Suits

U.S. Military Wants Crysis like Smart Suits

Ilustration of the future bio-super suit (Credit: Wyss Institute) The Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) recently awarded 2.6 million dollars to the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University in order to develop a smart suit ...

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DARPA’s Next Grand Challenge – Humanoid Robots

DARPA’s Next Grand Challenge – Humanoid Robots

Asimo – the most famous humanoid robot – will not attend the Challange The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is about to announce a new and extremely challenging robotic competition where – for the first time humanoid robots ...

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Afghan Language Translation Devices for U.S. Army

Afghan Language Translation Devices for U.S. Army

Scientists from the National Institute of Standards and Technology have developed an innovative translation system for the U.S. Army, to be used in Afghanistan. Since many American soldiers don’t know the Afghan language, the new development could provide them an ...

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DARPA’s New High Resolution Camera

DARPA’s New High Resolution Camera

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is developing a camera with unprecedented resolution, of 2.3-gigapixel. The new camera should be able to create super-wide aerial photos, and is built primarily for surveillance purposes, as part of the Autonomous Real-time ...

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Igloo White: the Automated Battlefield

Igloo White: the Automated Battlefield

At the height of the Vietnam War, the US developed a high-tech system to interdict forces and supplies streaming into the battlefield from North Vietnam. The system was technologically ahead of its time and demonstrated several groundbreaking military technologies – ...

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Guided Bullets under Development

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has awarded contracts to Lockheed Martin and Teledyne Scientific & Imaging to develop new guided bullets and rifles that can fire them. Once completed, the new weapons would allow shooters to actively control ...

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IBM ‘Cat Brain’ Project

Scientists from IBM and five university partners will head a US government-funded collaboration to create electronic circuits that mimic brains. Their ultimate goal will be to understand the complex wiring system of the brain and to build a computer that ...

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Siemens Anti-Bleeding Cuff for the Military

Siemens Anti-Bleeding Cuff for the Military

The German conglomerate Siemens announced its plans to develop a prototype of a unique ultrasound device capable of limiting blood loss and shock resulting from limb injuries. The company has signed an exclusive contract with the U.S. government after undergoing ...

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Darpa’s Heliplane

Darpa’s Heliplane

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) plans to demonstrate a 400mph gyrodyne, called Heliplane. Heliplane is an air vehicle that combines vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) and the low disk loading characteristics of a helicopter with the speed and ...

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