
bomb detection

BioExplorers: Mice Bomb Sniffing Technology

BioExplorers: Mice Bomb Sniffing Technology

Mice used as a bomb detector – Bioexplorers Israeli start-up named BioExplorers developed a technology which uses mice to detect explosives which could be used for homeland security improving safety in airports and border crossings. The new system should go ...

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Air Laser to Sniff Bombs from a Distance

Air Laser to Sniff Bombs from a Distance

Engineers from Princeton University developed a new laser-sensing technology that may allow soldiers to detect hidden bombs from a distance as well as potential suicide bombers. The research team from Princeton’s Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering that developed the ...

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iRobot Negotiator

iRobot Negotiator

iRobot Corporation of Bedford, Massachusetts released a slimmed down and affordable robot capable of climbing stairs and evaluating potential dangers faced by law enforcement, firemen, and other public safety officials. Based on its military robot, the PackBot, the Negotiator robot ...

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