Facing the ever growing problem of producing smaller and smaller components for the semi-conductor industry, a team at the National Institute for Nanotechnology has successfully produced miniscule conductive nanowires, using a novel approach. The new production method not only enables ...
Nano-Lubricant to Reduce Fuel Consumption
A lubricant with an exceptional low friction coefficient has been developed by scientists in the Argonne National Laboratory. The lubricant is based on boric acid particles 50 nanometers in diameter. Such nano-scaled particles offer both lubricity and stability when mixed ...
Nanowires to make High Capacity Storage Devices
A new nanowires and nanorodes production method, introduced by Sun and Hou, both chemists from Brown University, may become a key factor in next generation high storage magnetic devices. Transmission electron microscope images of nanorods in different sizes (Credit: Brown ...
Nanohorns Will Store Hydrogen
Researchers at Centre National de La Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in France have discovered a solution for storing hydrogen inside special carbon nanotubes. This storage solution may have important applications for the future of renewable energy economy, including hydrogen based cars. ...
Longest Nanotube Created
Researchers from the University of Cincinnati developed a new technique for growing ultra long carbon nanotubes. Although the nanotubes are still less than 2 cm long they have the potential to be longer, stronger and better conductors of electricity than ...
Boron Buckyball Envisioned
A study published by Rice University scientists recently predicted the existence of a new “buckyball-like” molecule consisting entirely of boron atoms. The boron buckyball has 80 atoms and is structurally similar to the original C60 fullerene, but its additional atoms ...
Sharpest Manmade Object
Researchers from the University of Alberta in and the National Institute for Nanotechnology in Canada created the sharpest object ever made. The new nano object is tungsten needle tapering down to about the thickness of single atom. The breakthrough might ...
Nanofilter Array
Researchers from the University of Rochester, N.Y. developed a new ultra thin porous membrane which may revolutionize the way doctors and scientists manipulate objects on the molecular level. The new membrane is only 50-atom thick and can withstand very high ...
New Model Nanocar on the Showroom Floor
A year after the creation of the first nanocar by scientists from Rice University, a new and improved version is on the showroom floor. The new car, which includes a light-driven engine, opens the door to future development of more ...
Buckypaper – Nanotubes on Steroids
Though widely researched for many years, the transfer of nanotube properties to composite materials to produce high performance composites has proved a difficult feat. Research for the past five years at the Florida Advanced Center for Composite Technologies on the ...