
Physical Science

Is the Mass of Black Holes Limited?

Is the Mass of Black Holes Limited?

A new study by researchers from the US and Chile suggest there is an upper limit on the mass of black holes. Using a variety of observational data they trace the accretion history of black holes, from which the mass ...

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Fast Plasma Rocket Test

Fast Plasma Rocket Test

Ad Astra Rocket Company of Webster, Texas is nearly ready to test its Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (VASIMR) in space. A scale model of the plasma rocket will be put through its paces at the International Space Station (ISS) ...

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Large Hadron Collider Switches On

Large Hadron Collider Switches On

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in CERN was turned on Today, Wednesday September 10th. The event put to rest the rumors regarding the supposed dangers it poses, and hopefully reveal some well kept secrets of particle physics. The first beams ...

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Dark Matter to Determine Future of the Universe

Dark Matter to Determine Future of the Universe

Research led by a cosmologist at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem predicts the evolution of the large scale structure of the universe in the Milky Way vicinity. Using computer simulations that track the evolvement of the universe under different sets ...

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New Study Shows Solar System is Unique

New Study Shows Solar System is Unique

Research conducted by a team of North American scientists recently claimed that our solar system is special, contrary to the accepted theory that it is an average planetary system. Using computer simulations to follow the development of planets, it was ...

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Marveling the Formation of Planets

Marveling the Formation of Planets

NASA has recently announced the Multi-Object Apache Point Observatory Radial Velocity Exoplanet Large-Area Survey, whose goal is to massively search for new planets by observing about 11,000 nearby stars over 6 years. The research is due to begin in the ...

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Moon GPS System

Moon GPS System

Ron Li from Ohio State University has developed navigation software for the Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity. The navigation system, which could also help future astronauts find their way around the Moon, is not based on satellites; instead, the system ...

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ESA’s Gravity Mission ‘GOCE’

ESA’s Gravity Mission ‘GOCE’

In September 2008 the European Space Agency plans to launch a satellite called the Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer. The spacecraft will allow scientists to learn more about Earth’s gravity field, expanding our knowledge in several fields of ...

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NASA Plans to Visit the Sun

NASA Plans to Visit the Sun

NASA has recently presented its “Solar Probe Plus” mission, which aims to send a spaceship to the Sun. At this stage a heat-resistant spacecraft is being designed; its goal will be to plunge deep into the Sun’s atmosphere in order ...

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Blue Color of Quasar Accretion Disk Verified

Blue Color of Quasar Accretion Disk Verified

Research led by an astronomer at the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy verifies the theory regarding the color of quasar accretion disks. These disks were predicted to be blue, but due to emissions from dust clouds surrounding the disk ...

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