
Life Science

Keeping Our Memories Fresh

What keeps our long term memories viable? Little is known about the way the long term memories are kept in the brain. Does memorizing something new can be compared to writing text on a paper, making it stay forever or ...

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Biosphere 2 to Live On

Biosphere 2 to Live On

The University of Arizona recently announced that it will be taking on the operation of the Biosphere 2 Project, which was on the verge of being shut down after it ran out of money. This announcement is now giving hope ...

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New Biosensors Will Monitor Physiological Signs

New Biosensors Will Monitor Physiological Signs

Researchers at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville are testing possible applications of different biosensors – hoping to bring them into use in the health-care industry. The sensors can be applied onto special fabrics with wireless technology, continuously monitoring the ...

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Long Living Neurons

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and some other neuronal disorders, including ALS, are a consequence of massive neuron loss. American scientists have developed a method to decrease neuron loss rate in mice bearing Alzheimer’s disease and ALS analogues. This was achieved by ...

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What Helps HIV Penetrate White Blood Cells?

What Helps HIV Penetrate White Blood Cells?

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is the cause for the AIDS disease. The virus attacks the T-cells in our blood, an important component of our immune system. The virus penetrates the host by fusing its membrane with the host’s membrane. ...

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Painless injections using jet power

Painless injections using jet power

Most people find needles painful, not to say frightening. Needle-free injections were invented a long time ago, using jet power to insert proteins such as insulin or hormones into the body. However, this method is not commonly used mainly because ...

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Programmable Bending Polymers

Programmable Bending Polymers

A team of scientists from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, headed by Dr. Eran Sharon, managed to harness non–Euclidian geometries in order to develop new structures that can be used in the biomedical and optical industries. The concept might be ...

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MEMS-based Confocal Microscopy

MEMS-based Confocal Microscopy

A new MEMS based scanning technology offers a different possibility for conducting confocal microscopy imaging in confined sections of a living human body. Professor Rebecca Kortum Confocal microscopy is an imaging technique that offers high-resolution imaging of living tissues (in ...

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Implanted Biosensors Track Vital Signs

Implanted Biosensors Track Vital Signs

A biosensor developed in Clemson University, South Carolina, funded by the U.S. Department of Defense, will be able to transmit information regarding blood lactate and glucose levels of a wounded soldier or of other injured patients. The biochip will be ...

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Stopping Bacteria from Talking

Stopping Bacteria from Talking

The resistance of bacteria to antibiotics makes the bacteria increasingly dangerous. Bacteria are capable of changing their genes in a random manner, possibly creating new proteins that are resistant to certain types of antibiotics. The problem worsens when you consider ...

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