Researchers at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island discovered a link between sleeping habits and heart health in men. According to their study, men who get less sleep than the norm can develop a thickened carotid artery wall. This thickening, ...
Test for Cognitive Decline in Parkinson’s Patients
Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphiadeveloped a blood test capable of determining the level of mental impairment likely to be suffered by patients with Parkinson’s disease. The new test, the first of its kind, examines the level of ...
Elderly Can See Longer with NeoVista
NeoVista, based in California, is investigating a new treatment for age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a medical condition usually found in older adults that results in a loss of vision. Although there are treatments for this ailment, they are invasive and ...
Huntington’s Disease Progression Explored
Researchers at the University of Melbourne in Melbourne, Australia discovered a key step in the progression of Huntington’s disease. A genetic neurological disease that normally begins to manifest itself when patients are in their thirties and forties, Huntington’s disease has ...
APS Helps Answer Key Questions About Common Cold
Researchers from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory have recently mapped the atomic structure of a single virus, using a device called the Advanced Photon Source. Their work might lead to future medical solutions, reducing the number of ...
Shining a Light on Diabetes
Researchers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology recently advanced a major step towards minimizing pain and inconvenience for patients with type 1 diabetes. Such people must keep a careful eye on their blood glucose levels, and therefore they are required to ...
New Lung Cancer Treatment
Researchers at Harvard Medical School and the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts are developing a new lung cancer drug for Pfizer. Currently in the early phases of a stage 3 clinical trial, Crizotinib was successful in shrinking non-small cell ...
Better Health Through Social Networking
A team of economic sociologists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology recently published a paper showing that dense social networks benefit users’ health. It means that people are more likely to acquire new health practices while having close contact with ...
Slowing Cancer Metabolism
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts are exploring new cancer drugs that work to slow or block cancer metabolism, effectively starving cancer cells to death. According to their study, the scientists identified a ...
Exploring the Role of Gut Bacteria in Digestion
A team of researchers from the U.S. Argonne National Laboratory has recently published a paper describing thoroughly the structure of bacterial enzymes, which play a fundamental role in human digestion. These bacteria help our digestion system to break down sugar ...