Voyeur - Autonomous UAV - TFOT

Voyeur – Autonomous UAV

Lite Machines Corp, a company specializing in developing micro-sized, radio-controlled helicopters for the hobby industry, has created an innovative prototype of an autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) dubbed “Voyeur”. The Voyeur UAV can be used for military applications such as surveillance and target acquisition, as well as locating and detonating improvised explosive devices.

Voyeur can be launched from an airplane or carried in a backpack and launched manually. It weighs 3lbs and is capable of traversing half-hour missions at a 30kts (56kph) cruising speed. One can navigate Voyeur manually or with the help of a GPS/moving map. The UAV is powered by an onboard 11.1 V rechargeable battery and propelled via its electric/coaxial rotors.

Its near silent operation, high-tech surveillance capabilities and tracking functions make the Voyeur UAV well suited for homeland security, military, and law enforcement applications. “Completely autonomous, and scalable for different applications, Voyeur UAVs can fly alone or in coordinated swarms. Used as remote sensor platforms, Voyeur UAVs can provide on-demand, real-time information about the tactical environment to unit commanders,” Lite Machines Corp. said in a statement.

This aerial vehicle is capable of returning to a predetermined recovery point so it can be reused. Alternatively, the unit’s low cost and optional single use batteries mean it can also be disposable.

Lite Machines Corp was recently awarded by the US Department of Defense, a not-to-exceed $10,500,000 indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for a Phase III Small Business Technology Transfer Program contract entitled “Sonobuoy Tube Launched UAV.”

TFOT recently covered a unique aircraft developed by the Israeli firm “Paralight Aviation” and designed to take aerial photographs under remote control. The system, including the craft itself and the controls on the ground, is entirely mobile and light. In addition, TFOT has covered a number of impressive aerial crafts including a bat-inspired spy plane and the “L15” airship that is fully optimized for surveillance missions.

More information on the Voyeur UAV can be found on Lite Machines official website.

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