
Put Down the Phone: Preventing Distracted Driving

There’s absolutely no doubt about it – distracted driving due to the explosive use of mobile devices is officially a serious problem. Everywhere we go, it’s clear that drivers are more careless than ever, what with constant texting, calling and browsing on their phones – all while attempting to keep at least one hand on the steering wheel and navigating complex traffic conditions.

using mobile while driving

Of course, these scenarios can’t safely co-exist, so the result has been a massive uptick in automobile accidents caused by such distractions. As traffic safety departments across the country attempt to analyze the mountains of data coming across their desks, all while brainstorming with mobile electronics entities for the purpose of reducing these sometimes-horrific crashes, a number of technology companies have begun exploring proactive ways to cut down on this epidemic of distracted driving.

From hands-free calling to lane-keeping assist systems, this article is going to look at the major tech that’s driving – no pun intended – this much-needed movement.

Hands-Free Calling This enables drivers to make and receive calls without taking their hands off the steering wheel.

Lane-Departure Warning (LDW) When the vehicle crosses lane markings without signaling, this alerts drivers.

Lane-Keeping Assist (LKA) If a vehicle begins to drift out of its lane, this helps correct its steering or braking.

GPS Routing Apps This enables drivers to access navigation apps while driving.

Music Apps Drivers can listen to music through the vehicle’s infotainment system or via apps that are set up prior to driving.

The cold hard fact is that thousands of people are killed on U.S. roadways every year because of distracted driving crashes, with cell phone use being the most common factor. Not only is using a cell phone while driving dangerous, but it is also illegal for many drivers such as those in Oklahoma, where cell phone use for drivers under 18 years of age is restricted. In addition to the tech we outlined above, there are also cell phone blocking apps and devices that help drivers stay focused on the task at hand – which, of course, is navigating a speeding, potentially deadly weapon. These apps and devices prevent drivers from making or accepting calls, texting or accessing the internet, just to name a few benefits.

Unfortunately – and this is a big one – as people continue to rely more on mobile devices to stay connected with one another, the distractions aren’t going to disappear any time soon. What’s ironic about the whole situation is that the solution to preventing distracted driving is the same as what’s causing the problem…technology.

Here are some frightening statistics concerning all this: Almost nine-percent of survey respondents in a study we analyzed admitted they felt “a lot of pressure” to respond to a text as soon as they received it, while a little more than seven-percent of the respondents said they also felt “high degrees of pressure” to reply to work-related messages while they were driving.

In the area of cell-blocking technologies, a number of standouts have been garnering the attention of safety experts as of late, including:

AT&T DriveMode An app that is activated when the driver’s vehicle reaches 15 miles-per-hour and blocks text alerts.

CellControl DriveID This device attaches to a vehicle’s windshield and works with an app to prevent the driver from sending or receiving text messages; it can also block emails and smartphone cameras.

Apple iOS DND Apple’s Do Not Disturb (DND) While Driving mode blocks incoming calls and text messages when the user’s iPhone senses the vehicle moving or when a car is connected to Bluetooth.

While these technologies can help reduce the likelihood of a car accident, they are, of course, not a license to drive distracted. At the end of the day, the best way to stay safe on the road – and ensure others around you stay safe – is to pay attention.

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