
The Future of Hair Transplants

Photo by Nicola Barts from Pexels

Androgenetic Alopecia Or Early Balding Steals The Confidence In Both Men And Women At A Young Age! Is There a Solution To It Yet?

Our ancestors might have to compromise with the balding scalp, but times have changed. Along with organ transplant surgeries, hair follicle transplant surgery has become real over the course of time. Restoration the hair back to their glorious days of youth without pain or side effects is what the latest hair transplant treatment is about. 

However, advancements in the hair transplantation world is still going on and, with robotic interventions, we are ready to see the exciting technologies in hair transplant reign during the upcoming decade.

  1. Stem Cell Hair Transplant

First performed by Italian researchers in 2017 successfully, this hair transplant method is still at the experimental stage. Unlike the traditional method of removing a lot of hair follicles, this advanced procedure involves stem cells extraction. 

Stem cell hair transplant or hair cloning involves the process of extracting hair follicles from a single stem cell and replicating them in a lab for grafting in the hair loss area. Using punch biopsy, a sample of your skin is removed to clone hair follicles unnaturally in the lab. The grafting is done both in the hair loss area as well as the area from where the sample is taken. 

Yet, in the world of hair transplant surgeries, this hair cloning method is not a surefire success yet. 

  1. Robotic Hair Transplant

With robotic interventions in medical sciences, the latest hair restoration devices NeoGraft and ARTAS iX TM need to be mentioned. 

With the assistance of the NeoGraft device, the hair follicles extraction from the back or sides is done with great precision. The pneumatic motor along with suction aids with accurate pressure controls to extract and implant hair follicles. The newly grafted hair follicles follow their natural cycle of hair growth leading to hair growth in balding regions with 9 to 12 months after the procedure.

ARTAS iX TM employs artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics tech for precise, fast, and repetitive harvesting and implantation. It is far more accurate and efficient in follicle extraction and grafting to a new location. 

On the brighter side, Automated NeoGraft and ARTAS hair transplants are pain-free, scar free, and ensure a faster recovery. On the contrary, hairline drawing requires the need of experienced surgeons. 

  1. Allogenic Hair Transplant

Allogenic hair transplant aims at transplanting hair follicles between people. So, can you use someone elseā€™s hair for your hair transplant procedure? Just like organ donation, can hair follicles be donated to anyone who has less hair in the donor region? Unfortunately, transplantation of hair follicles from another person is not possible. 

Why? When hair follicle transplantation was done on rats, due to a different DNA in follicle cells, the body identified them as foreign objects and rejected them. To prevent the rejection of grafted hair follicles, the patient will have to take immunosuppressants for life. These, however, adversely impact the person by exposing them to viral and bacterial diseases due to a suppressed immune system.

Allogenic hair transplant is only possible in one situationā€”when the donor and acceptor are identical twins. Monozygotic twins have a similar genetic makeup of hair follicles leaving no chance of rejection upon hair grafting. However, if identical twins suffer from baldness due to their genetic makeup, an allogenic hair transplant cannot help. Similarly, dizygotic twins cannot have a hair transplant from their twin due to different genetic makeup.


The hair transplant industry is endeavoring to safely and efficiently treat hair loss in men and women. With a mission to restore the self-confidence of people, there is a high chance of success in hair follicle transplant research in the near future.

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