

Nanofilter Array

Nanofilter Array

Researchers from the University of Rochester, N.Y. developed a new ultra thin porous membrane which may revolutionize the way doctors and scientists manipulate objects on the molecular level. The new membrane is only 50-atom thick and can withstand very high ...

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Nanobatteries stop Exploding Batteries

Nanobatteries stop Exploding Batteries

A new, safer type of Li-Ion nanobattery that might help prevent future fires and explosions related to conventional Li-Ion battery use has been developed by researchers at Tel Aviv University. These nanobatteries should also prove useful for various micro devices ...

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New Model Nanocar on the Showroom Floor

New Model Nanocar on the Showroom Floor

A year after the creation of the first nanocar by scientists from Rice University, a new and improved version is on the showroom floor. The new car, which includes a light-driven engine, opens the door to future development of more ...

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Buckypaper – Nanotubes on Steroids

Buckypaper – Nanotubes on Steroids

Though widely researched for many years, the transfer of nanotube properties to composite materials to produce high performance composites has proved a difficult feat. Research for the past five years at the Florida Advanced Center for Composite Technologies on the ...

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