

Israel Developing Flying Elephants

According to a soon to be published article in the defensenews magazine, Israel has started working on a project known as “Flying Elephants”. The futuristic unmanned aircraft is said to be huge and slow, capable of self takeoff and landing ...

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Hot Atoms Can Freeze Images

Hot Atoms Can Freeze Images

Researchers from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology have developed a method to eliminate the phenomenon of diffraction, which causes images imprinted on light rays and propagating in free space to lose their sharpness after a short distance. Their ...

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ReWalk – Robotic Legs

ReWalk – Robotic Legs

The Israeli-based Company Argo Medical Technologies has developed a device that enables people with lower limb disabilities to stand, walk, and even climb stairs. The device nick named “ReWalk” is suitable for anyone with functioning hands, arms, and shoulders. “ReWalk” ...

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Israel – First Country to Welcome Electric Cars

Israel – First Country to Welcome Electric Cars

Carlos Ghosn, President of the French-Japanese car manufacturer “Renault-Nissan”, and Shai Agassi, an American-Israeli entrepreneur and former CEO of the software giant “SAP AG”, have recently signed an agreement of collaboration. In the agreement, the two agreed upon a plan ...

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Creativity – The Last Human Stronghold?

Creativity – The Last Human Stronghold?

Humans are better than machines. However, the advantages of humans over machines have been in steady retreat – we gave up on physical strength first, then on some mental capacities such as computation, and now we’re in the process of ...

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Programmable Bending Polymers

Programmable Bending Polymers

A team of scientists from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, headed by Dr. Eran Sharon, managed to harness non–Euclidian geometries in order to develop new structures that can be used in the biomedical and optical industries. The concept might be ...

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Israel Launches a New Spy Satellite

Israel Launches a New Spy Satellite

Early on the morning of June 11th, 2007 Israel launched a new spy satellite designated Ofeq 7 (Horizon in Hebrew). The launch of the satellite comes at a sensitive time in the Middle East surrounding Iran’s controversial nuclear project and ...

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MONGURD – Canister Launched UAV

MONGURD – Canister Launched UAV

A group of students from the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa developed a unique Unmanned Ariel Vehicle. The lightweight drone (less than 110lbs / 50kg) will be launched from special canister equipped with a rocket motor. The drone ...

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The PillCam Colon Video Capsule

The PillCam Colon Video Capsule

The PillCam Colon Video Capsule Endoscope by the Israeli company Given Imaging Ltd. will spare you that vital colonoscopy you’ve been putting off. Essentially a camera in a pill to photograph your insides, PillCam imaging is considered to be a ...

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Americium Power Source

Americium Power Source

A team of scientists in Israel has developed a concept that could serve as a future power source for space vehicles and other space-based applications such as the International Space Station. The new battery-like device includes a core of americium ...

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