Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Sciences in China have developed a new catalyst that uses visible light to disinfect bacteria and viruses. The new process – which works in either ...
Pedal-Power Your iPhone
California-based company Dahon has recently unveiled an innovative charging solution for portable gadgets, named ReeCharge. The new device utilizes bicycles’ pedal-power in order to power almost any electronic device, including iPods, iPhones, PDAs and GPS units. The ReeCharge System (Credit: ...
Portable Charger Utilizes Both Wind and Sunlight
Kinesis Industries, Arizona, has recently launched the Kinesis K3, a portable charger that utilizes ‘green’ energy, using the wind and the sun. In addition, the K3 can be connected to an AC outlet for faster recharge. K3 Portable Wind and ...
Generating Power from Pavement
Researchers at Novotech, Inc. of Acton, Massachusetts and two Massachusetts universities are developing a method to channel heat from asphalt and other paving materials into usable power. In addition to the power directly generated by the asphalt, this process would ...
Bioliq Affordable Biofuel
Researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Karlsruhe, Germany have developed a biofuel based on wood and straw that could sell for as little as 0.50 Euros per liter or 2.49 dollars per gallon, a price on par with ...
GoblinAero – A Hybrid Tricycle
Goblin Motors, based in Arizona, USA, has introduced a new tricycle, named ‘GoblinAero’. Thanks to the vehicle’s hybrid engine – utilizing both electric power and traditional gas – it enables drivers to travel ecologically, consuming only 150 miles per gallon. ...
Organic Solar Concentrator Developed
Covalent Solar of Boston, Massachusetts has developed an organic solar concentrator that traps specific wavelengths of light as it passes through glass, channeling the captured light into solar cells at the edges of the panels. The panels could be used ...
Solar Powered Biofuel Under Development
Cambridge, Massachusetts based startup Joule Biotechnologies is developing a new process using solar power to derive a biologically-based fuel without growing any crops or using any plant matter. Their process converts carbon dioxide directly into a liquid fuel and could ...
New Method Allows Cheaper Solar Cells Production
Researchers at the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science have discovered a new and relatively easy technique to manufacture solar cells. Their low-cost solution is a unique processing method for copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) – based ...
Novel Technology Turns Garbage into Ethanol
Imagine using a dump site to produce a fuel resource. Due to a novel technology developed by a company called BlueFire Ethanol, the cellulosic ethanol within municipal and other waste products could be transformed into an alternative fuel resource. The ...