Scientists at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts have been exploring the origins of clouds and the chemical composition of the particles that form them. The researchers were able to isolate air from a pristine environment high above a remote region ...
Rocket Science Wastewater
Two Stanford University engineers have recently announced the development of an innovative wastewater treatment system. The process they suggest would increase the production of two greenhouse gases: nitrous oxide and methane, would utilize other gases to power the entire treatment ...
Rate of Ecoshift in a Period of Climate Change
Scientists from several major research institutions have determined that, on average, ecosystems must shift 0.42 kilometers (approximately half of a mile) each year to keep pace with current climate changes. The shifts are projected to be greatest in dry, arid ...
The Ozone Layer
Where the ozone goes, everyone knows. This is thanks, in part, to two instruments onboard the Aura satellite that track ozone in our atmosphere: the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) and the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS). The ozone layer protects life ...