Scientists from Georgia Tech have invented a new way of battling cancer. Their new technology involves nanoparticles that attach themselves to cancer cells and guide them out of the body. With further development, this invention may help detect ovarian cancer ...
Disciplined and observational study of the natural world including, but not limited to: Biology, Physics, Chemistry, and Earth Science.
ESA’s Gravity Mission ‘GOCE’
In September 2008 the European Space Agency plans to launch a satellite called the Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer. The spacecraft will allow scientists to learn more about Earth’s gravity field, expanding our knowledge in several fields of ...
NASA Plans to Visit the Sun
NASA has recently presented its “Solar Probe Plus” mission, which aims to send a spaceship to the Sun. At this stage a heat-resistant spacecraft is being designed; its goal will be to plunge deep into the Sun’s atmosphere in order ...
From Allergy to Alzheimer’s Treatment
The San Francisco based biopharmaceutical company Medivation has recently published results of its first pivotal clinical trial of Dimebon in Alzheimer’s disease. Dimebon, a drug formerly approved as an allergy treatment, demonstrated statistically significant improvement over placebo in memory, thinking, ...
Blue Color of Quasar Accretion Disk Verified
Research led by an astronomer at the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy verifies the theory regarding the color of quasar accretion disks. These disks were predicted to be blue, but due to emissions from dust clouds surrounding the disk ...
The Secret of Embryonic Stem Cells
Researchers from The Hebrew University in Israel, the U.S. NIH, the Affymetrix Corporation, and the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, have collaborated in discovering the mechanism in which an embryonic stem (ES) cell is differentiated into a specific cell ...
On Wings of Glass
Thanks to scientists at the University of Bristol, it may become possible to build airplanes with wings of glass. Dr. Paddy Royall from the University of Bristol and his colleagues in Canberra and Tokyo, have shown that despite its solid ...
Warp Drive Just Around the Corner?
Researchers from Baylor University in Texas have developed a new approach to creating a warp bubble that can create warp drive propulsion at velocities greater than the speed of light without violating special relativity. The novelty of this approach lies ...
New Evidence Supports Ice Age Comet Theory
Recent geological evidence gathered in Ohio and Indiana has been verified by a University of Cincinnati assistant professor as support of a comet theory, claiming a comet explosion over earth was the cause of drastic changes to life on our ...
Spectroscopy Finds Early Tooth Decay
King’s College, London is developing a new technology that may make the dentist’s drill obsolete in as little as five years. A preliminary study shows that decay causing bacteria scatter light differently from healthy tooth matter. Using a form of ...