Researchers at the Broad Institute and Whitehead Institute (both in Cambridge, Massachusetts) have discovered a chemical that kills breast cancer stem cells in mice. These cells are believed to be the cause of the spread of cancer and also of ...
Internal Brain Wave Clock
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts have discovered that people look for a person in a crowd by scanning the crowd, moving from one face to the next with a set timing based on waves of ...
Our Brains, Not Eyes, See Color
Researchers from the University of Chicago and Vanderbilt University have uncovered that the brain plays a critical role in color perception. According to their study, it is the brain – and not the eyes – that assigns colors to objects; ...
Bone Setting Glue
Researchers at the University of Utah have developed a new glue that sticks to bone and other wet surfaces. The glue, based on the adhesive used by sandcastle worms building their underwater homes, turns from liquid to solid as it ...
The Next Generation of Stethoscopes
3M Solutions has recently unveiled the Littmann Electronic Stethoscope, Model 3100, an innovative, wireless medical accessory that utilizes Bluetooth communication in order to provide medical caregivers an easier method to auscultate. The Littmann Electronic Stethoscope, Model 3100 (Credit: 3M Solutions) ...
The Bloodbot Project
Collaboration between the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College in London, and its Mechatronics in Medicine Laboratory, has yielded the Bloodbot project, in which a robot has been designed to take blood samples from the ante-cubital fossa (ACF). Such ...
Making Cancer Cells Glow
Researchers at AntiCancer Incorporated in San Diego, California and at Okayama University in Japan are developing a virus that makes cancer cells permanently glow. A fluorescence gene derived from jellyfish is integrated into tumors using a modified cold virus. The ...
SEM of Untreated Water Specimen
This digitally-colorized scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of an untreated water specimen extracted from a wild stream mainly used to control flooding during inclement weather, revealed the presence of unidentified organisms, which included bacteria, protozoa, and algae. In this particular view, ...
Philips’ Intelligent iPill
Philips’ new intelligent pill (iPill) technology has the potential to take intelligent drug delivery to the next level. As the first pill that combines technologies for localized drug release with the ability to measure the internal environment and communicate this ...
Brain Surgery With Sound Waves
Researchers from University Hospital Zurich and the Israeli company Insightec Ltd. have developed a new type of brain surgery using high intensity ultrasound beams to precisely heat and destroy damaged brain tissue. Their procedure eliminates the need to cut through ...