Researchers from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory have recently mapped the atomic structure of a single virus, using a device called the Advanced Photon Source. Their work might lead to future medical solutions, reducing the number of ...
Simplified Cervical Cancer Screening
Researchers at the European Union’s MicroActive project developed a new method of cervical cancer screening that is easy to use, provides instant results, and greatly lowers the cost of diagnostic tests for the disease. Doctors could potentially use their new ...
New Dinosaurs Discovered
Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia and the Utah Geological Survey in Salt Lake City discovered and classified the skeletons of two new species of dinosaurs. Dated to the Early Cretaceous Epoch (approximately 145.5 to 99.6 million years ...
Starvation Keeps Sleep – Deprived Fly Brain Sharp
A team of researchers from Washington University, St. Louis, found that starvation allows the need for nourishment to push aside the need for sleep. Their study, conducted on fruit flies, shows that while long-term deprivation of food leads to death, ...
Shining a Light on Diabetes
Researchers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology recently advanced a major step towards minimizing pain and inconvenience for patients with type 1 diabetes. Such people must keep a careful eye on their blood glucose levels, and therefore they are required to ...
Bees Will Help Scientists Research Biodiversity
Scientist from York University, Canada, have recently discovered new species of bees. These bees have never been identified, mainly because Sweat Bees’ identification is extremely challenging task. Furthermore, this new discovery might lead to better understanding of evolution. Out of ...
New Lung Cancer Treatment
Researchers at Harvard Medical School and the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts are developing a new lung cancer drug for Pfizer. Currently in the early phases of a stage 3 clinical trial, Crizotinib was successful in shrinking non-small cell ...
Pre-Industrial Cloud Formation
Scientists at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts have been exploring the origins of clouds and the chemical composition of the particles that form them. The researchers were able to isolate air from a pristine environment high above a remote region ...
Bacteria Identification on a Chip
Scientists at the National Cheng Kung University in Taiwan developed a new method of identifying bacteria on a microchip. They apply a mild electric field to gold electrodes on roughened glass slides to sort the bacteria, and then Raman spectroscopy ...
Video Games Sharpen the Mind
Researchers from University of Rochester Paragraph have shown that playing action video games increases peoples’ ability to make the right decisions quicker than people who do not play such games. This study stands in contrary to common belief, that video ...