FIT medical sensing shirt (Credit: Maxim Integrated) California based company Maxim Integrated recently announced a model for a vital signs monitoring shirt. The T-shirt is able to measures 3-lead ECG, body temperature, and motion and report record this information wirelessly ...
Pain Free Drug Delivery Using Ultrasound
How the technology works Engineers working for MIT developed a new way which increases the permeability of the skin allowing for new, novel ways of injecting drugs without the use of a needle. Researchers at MIT working with Ultrasound (sound ...
Hyginex Bracelet will keep Hospitals Germ Free
Hyginex bracelet and system Each year almost 100,000 people in the U.S. alone dies due to healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). Many of those could have been avoided if proper hygiene regulations have been followed more carefully by hospital stuff. To counter ...
Proteus – the e-Pill that will Monitor Your Health
Proteus Digital Health e-Pill California based company Proteus Digital Health recently received FDA clearance for its unique tiny ingestible sensor. The sensor will transmit information about the user vital signs as well as how well they handles their prescribed medication ...
Music Glove Helps Paralyzed Patients
The MMT on the hand (Credit: Georgia Tech) Researchers from Georgia Tech created a wireless, “musical glove” that can improve sensation and motor skills for people with paralyzing spinal cord injury (or SCI). Although not the subject of the current ...
Did an Israeli Company Developed a Cure for ALS?
NurOwn process BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics – an Israeli biomed company currently conducting Phase I/II clinical trials on patients suffering from ALS, reported that at least some of the patients treated with its NurOwn cell therapy shown considerable improvement including walking ...
New Medicinal Marijuana: Benefits Without the High
Tikun Olam’s medicinal grade cannabis Israeli scientists have successfully developed the first strain of cannabis that doesn’t cause intoxication. The new treatment has recently been offered to patients eligible for medicinal marijuana treatment in Israel after undergoing scientific testing in ...
AxoTrack – The Virtual Needle
AxoTrack needle AxoTrack ultrasound-guided procedure A unique patented technology developed by a emergency-room doctor is about to change the way many medical procedures involving needles are preformed and increase the success rate of first needle insertion from about 37% up ...
Pacemaker Powered by the Human Heart
An artificial pacemaker from St. Jude Medical, with electrode (Credit: Steven Fruitsmaak) Prof. Daniel J. Inman Two aerospace engineers from the University of Michigan created a revolutionary pacemaker which does not require conventional batteries. Instead the device uses vibrations which ...
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Prevention
The regions of the brain associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Source: National Institutes of Health. Scientists at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois have developed a new treatment to prevent stressful events from triggering Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD. Consisting of ...