Dr. Steven Palter of New York recently reported the first laparoscopic surgery performed using a high-resolution video camera. Using equipment worth over a million dollars, he and his team were able to obtain one of the clearest views inside the ...
Growing Dental Implants in Place
Researchers at Columbia University Medical Center in New York City have developed a method of growing dental implants in place using stem cells. The process can result in a fully formed replacement tooth in less than nine weeks from initial ...
Implantable Cancer Vaccine
Researchers at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts and the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, Massachusetts have successfully developed an implantable vaccine that eliminated melanoma tumors in mice. Cancer antigens are injected into small plastic disks which are then implanted ...
Food Allergy Diagnosis
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a more precise method of diagnosing food allergies and the extent of allergic reactions to these substances. Current allergy testing is unreliable, resulting in a large number of false positives. In ...
Brain Scans Could Be Marketing Tool of the Future
Researchers at Duke University and Emory University have recently inspected one of the newer applications for brain scans: improving marketing efforts. Using sophisticated imaging of the human brain while it is subject to commercial stimulus could provide significant data for ...
A Cell’s ‘Cap’ of Bundled Fibers
Researchers from the Johns Hopkins Engineering in Oncology Center have recently shown that in healthy cells, a bundled ”cap” of thread-like fibers holds the cell’s nucleus in its proper place. The nucleus includes the cell’s genetic storehouse, and understanding the ...
Using Brainpower to Control Paralyzed Limbs
Researchers at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois are developing systems to translate brain activity into real time muscle movements. Combining functional electrical stimulation (FES) and a neural implant, the new system could allow people paralyzed because of spinal cord damage ...
HIV-Blocking Gel
Researchers at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City and Duke University in Durham, North Carolina are developing a polymer gel capable of blocking the HIV virus. The gel meshes with semen to create a shield that blocks the ...
Rebuilding Cartilage and Bone
Researchers at Orthomimetics of Cambridge, England have developed a joint replacement scaffold that coaxes the joint bones and surrounding cartilage tissue to slowly regrow rather than relying on permanent metal replacement joints. Based on new materials developed at Cambridge University ...
Bone Setting Glue
Researchers at the University of Utah have developed a new glue that sticks to bone and other wet surfaces. The glue, based on the adhesive used by sandcastle worms building their underwater homes, turns from liquid to solid as it ...