The first pieces of artificial muscle First strips of muscle tissue created by Dutch scientists using stem cells have sparked hope of artificially grown hamburger, reducing the world’s dependence on expensive live stock. During a recent press conferance which took ...
Cancer Prevention May Begin at the Produce Stand
Georgetown researchers were the first to determine the link between eating cruciferous vegetables and reduced cancer incidence. The medical community has known for some time that eating cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, watercress, and cauliflower seemed to lower cancer risk. It ...
Purple Tomatoes to Fight Cancer
Don’t you just love it when simply eating something tasty helps you fight and prevent disease? Researchers from the John Innes Centre in Norwich, U.K. have genetically modified a tomato so that in addition to having a ravishing purple hue, ...
Will Soy Beat Cancer?
An experiment conducted by a group of researchers from Northwestern University showed for the first time that an antioxidant present in soybeans was able to reduce the rate of metastases in mice bearing prostate cancer. The amount of the antioxidant ...
Animal-friendly Meat
Scientists from the University of Western Australia have managed to create ‘semi-living’ food. The scientists used a new tissue engineering technique to grow sample cells from animals and produce edible meat that does not require killing animals. The project, named ...
Shelf Life Booster – 4 Months Old Fresh Tomato
The Israeli company “Hefestus” has developed a unique packaging system, which significantly prolongs the “shelf life” of various products. The company’s sealing machines can pack different kinds of foods, as well as cosmetic and pharmaceutical products, in a way that ...