Researchers from the University of Southern California (USC) Institute for Creative Technologies developed a 360-degree holographic display, that projects three-dimensional images that can be seen from any angle at a reasonable distance. The researchers used a set of rendering techniques ...
Water Purifying Bottle
Michael Pritchard, a British businessman from Ipswich, has invented a bottle that can purify its contents. His invention, named “Life Saver”, is a bottle installed with a mechanism capable of purifying even the dirtiest water, eliminating foul tastes and smells ...
The Future of Electronic Paper
Thirty-five years in the making, electronic paper is now closer than ever to changing the way we read, write, and study — a revolution so profound that some see it as second only to the invention of the printing press ...
Improving Optical Fiber Accuracy
A team of scientists from the Material Research Institute (MRI) at Pennsylvania State University have developed a device that efficiently makes laser-to-fiber and fiber-to-fiber connections within optical fiber packages. Their invention, which offers a new economically viable method for aligning ...
P-Ink Technology Under Development
The Toronto based Start-Up Company Opalux has developed a new type of electronic ink, based on photonic crystals called P-ink. The new crystal-based e-paper can display colors in a way that current technology has not enabled until now. This promising ...
Troubleshooting System for WiFi Networks Developed
Scientists from the University of California in San Diego developed an automated troubleshooting system for wireless access networks. The system was initially designed for the UCSD computer science building, but its success resulted in a paper presented by the researchers ...
Talking Mirror
‘Mirror, mirror, on the wall, please go open up the door.’ Think you have seen it all? How about a mirror with a talking avatar that pops-up to notify you each time something happens around the house? When a delivery ...
Chaotic Sculpture
Created by Dr. Benjamin Storch the Manifold sculpture is a unique combination of science and art. The sculpture is a physical representation of the famous mathematical object known as the Lorenz manifold – a complex surface that emerges from a ...
Sony’s XEL-1 First OLED TV Goes on Sale
Sony recently announced that it will begin selling its upcoming 11-inch OLED-based TV this December. This will be the first commercial OLED TV model to go on sale, opening the way to a possible revolution in the flat panel display ...
Audiopad Composer
Two students from MIT have developed an innovative control device, called the Audiopad, to help compose live electronic music. The Audiopad is a tool for composing electronic music, which tracks the positions of objects on a tabletop surface and converts ...