
x-Ar Makes Workers into Production Droids

Los Angeles based company Equipois developed a technology called zeroG which helps perform routine physical tasks with almost zero effort, getting human workers one step closer to smart production robots. The x-Ar, created by Equipois based on the zeroG, is an exoskeletal arm that attaches to the arm and provides dynamic support throughout natural range of motion – which in simple terms means that wearers can work with their arms outstretched for long periods with less fatigue and discomfort.

The x-Ar in action (Equipois)

According to Equipois, the x-Ar is an exoskeletal arm that attaches to the wearer’s arm and provides dynamic support throughout their natural range of motion. In other words, the x-Ar is a robotic extension of the arm which can help move the arm and small objects held, preserving the freedom of movement and allowing the wearer to perform repeated operation without getting tired quickly.

There are many potential applications for the use of the x-Ar; most of them are currently in the industrial realm including automotive assembly, aerospace industry, and heavy equipment manufacturing, as well as scientific work in the laboratory and even some office work.
The x-Ar will be shown at the Applied Ergonomics Conference in Orlando, Florida and will be available for purchase around June 2011 (no pricing is available at this time).
TFOT covered many exoskeletal technologies in the past, including the REX – an exoskeleton made of strong, lightweight materials designed to support and hold a person comfortably as they move. We have also covered many robotic technologies created for helping perform human tasks, including: Airic’s Arm, a novel mechanical arm created using advanced techniques in automated movement, and the Kuka HA 60-3 Automatic Super Arm, which is capable of multitasking as well as learning new actions.

You can find more info on the x-Ar on Equipois website.

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